About Me

New Zealand

Bio: I was 46 years old when I begun this blog, female and married with a house full of cats (7). My past is littered with the impact of events that happened when I was a teen. Two loves of my life have been nursing and studying. I just completed my Master of Arts: Media Studies endorsement. My blog will be about the things I think about, that might be better served being written rather than squirreled away in my mind festering. It is the meanderings of my mind as I seek to define myself and my world.

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    1. I think we often fall into one intetest and it consumes the potential for another. I got lucky and fell into two. I might not have seen it that way at the time though.


  1. Hi, writing about age and thinking in public about “who am I” and “how do I understand my world” is the same interest I have. But: you are 46 and I am 70 +. Do we come together or do we inspire each other? Nice to meet your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My first reaction to your page was WOW, beautifully creative picture! I’m not a poet (my husband is) so my input on content will not be especially helpful, but your site is inviting!


    1. If this is what you wanted then you were referring to your gravatar profile. It is basically a profile of yourself which links your various social networking accounts and your websites so that people know how and where to find you. If you wish to edit your settings in the future you can edit it through gravatar (there is a link to your profile below) or head to your dashboard->users->my public profile.

      It’s fun discovering things on wordpress…. like you turn into this techno wizard… lol Happy blogging! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Attaching a picture or any media file to a post is really easy. If you want to add a pic to your ‘About’ page all you need to do is:
    go to your blog’s dashboard, click on ‘pages’ on the left hand side, click ‘edit’ which you will find if you put your cursor on the ‘about’.
    Now place your cursor where you want the pic and then click on ‘add media’ which u will find at the top of the post. You can either upload a file from your computer by clicking ‘upload files’ or use a pic from the internet by clicking ‘insert from url’ which is on the left. (try uploading a file first). once you are done click the bottom botton which says ‘insert into page’ and voila!


    1. I do that and get a blank page to edit not the about page – I am so techno – stupid is aggravating. I will keep trying thanks for the advice. I can put images into my posts but that about page seems “fixed” so to speak.


    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I have been having problems getting my pic rather than symbols into my blog and not sure how to add one to that area. Any help with that gratefully received.


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