I is for Invisible

I is for when I feel invisible

For feeling observed but not seen

For not being deemed ‘normal’

Society makes me feel divisible


I can be ‘normal’ but it is just an act

I can be mentally ill but I can function

I can’t be both, apparently society objects

I often feel like something in me be lacked


Was I absent the means to impress?

Wanting to blend into the background

Not wanting to be gossiped about

Not wanting to make public my distress


I need to be me, no matter my state

I need to be free to express myself

To be allowed to function within society

Nothing to be labelled and nothing to abate


I don’t want to be the societal conception

Something they must label and define

Something less because I am not perfect

Not wanting to perpetrate a deception


Just wanting to be the person I could be

Possibly eccentric, or shy, or passive

But the ability to be and do as I will

Without ongoing public scrutiny

A to Z Challenge


  1. Well said. To be yourself without stigma or judgement that is something I believe most of us strive for. But mental illness makes it more difficult, I can empathize with you on that point.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The sad truth is that in a different society normal would be a stigma. As humans we always have to put someone or group down making them other. It’s just wrong! Thanks for commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

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